
Our client was a company involved in equipment sales and manufacturing, with an aspiration for increased growth and expansion. The company possessed innovative ideas for their business, but required help presenting their ideas in a professional manner to possible investors.


The main challenges we faced on this project included:

  • Helping to build both the company and the customer base for the client
  • Helping the client attain the capital investment required for growth
  • Developing the client’s business plan for feasibility and growth potential
  • Providing services to the client at their desired price level


To address these challenges, our consultants:

  • Assessed the company in its current state and identified areas ripe for growth and expansion
  • Identified the technical, financial and management needs for the growth to occur
  • Assisted the client in putting together a sound business plan in a timely manner and at an appropriate price


At the conclusion of the project all the key success factors had been achieved, and the client was highly satisfied with the project deliverables and the value added by Schroeder & Schroeder Inc. Our actions resulted in:

  • Opportunities for expansion and growth for the client
  • An above-average business plan at a price perfect for the client
  • The client gaining a strategic advantage over their competitors