Ideas change the world, which is why we are always eager to share our ideas, experiences and expertise with you. Our books are designed to enable your organization to thrive in even the most competitive landscapes. It’s time to starting reading!

The Art and Science of Transformation
By Harold M. Schroeder
Today’s business environment is rapidly changing, requiring organizations to undergo frequent transformations to remain competitive and efficient. However, major change initiatives are risky and many fail. The Art and Science of Transformation provides readers with a robust understanding of the importance of transformation. It explains what it means in practice, what the risks are, and how to implement a successful transformation initiative that delivers the desired results.
Using an “Art and Science of Transformation®” framework, in which “art” comprises the intangible or intuitive attributes and “science” consists of formal project management techniques and tools, the book provides a holistic understanding of organizational transformation, along with the key strategic and operational performance implications.
Grounded in the evidence of what actually works, this book offers a user-friendly, practical guide that can be applied to transformation in any organizational context.
- Introduction
- Drivers of Transformation
- Risks and Critical Success Factors in Transformation
- The Art and Science of Transformation®
- Fundamental Purpose and Transformation
- Transformation Value Drivers
- Transformational Capabilities
- Transformation Objectives
- Cultural Re-alignment and Stakeholder Engagement
- Performance Monitoring and Measurement
- Summary
- References
“Harold Schroeder and I met a few years back and, even though I have not had the opportunity to work with Harold, I have always valued his knowledge regarding strategic planning and change management. Having published many valuable white papers, Harold recently published a book tilted ‘The Art and Science of Transformation’, which presents the reader with a great blueprint for becoming and sustaining competitive advantage.
What stood out for me was the value of people, both internal talent and customers, as the critical component to any successful transformation. Any of us can learn the process for transformation, but without a clear understanding of the how to work with people to achieve transformation, the processes fall flat.
‘The Art and Science of Transformation’ is a must read for anyone accountable for achieving competitive advantage.
Thanks Harold!”
Tom Opper
President, Lead By Advantage
“In this insightful book – The Art & Science of Transformation – Harold Schroeder has elegantly mapped out and defined the requisite skills and processes for mastering the art & science of transformation.
An incredibly useful resource that consolidates research and expertise in the fields of strategic and project planning.”
Suzanne Park
President, Park Vandal Associates, Inc.
“My copy of The Art and Science of Transformation arrived this week, and folks, Harold Schroeder has nailed it with this book In this new business paradigm where ‘transformation’ is undeniable, you’ll want this guide to assist you.
Great work Harold.”
Peter Comrie
CEO, Vcademy
“I have had a chance to read and review ‘The Art and Science of Transformation’ – and like the white papers I so appreciated over the years – the text did not disappoint. I plan to give several copies away as parting gifts and you should also know that my dog-eared copy of the paper on this topic has been shared many times.”
Lynne Julius, RN
Site Operations Lead – Grand River Hospital Freeport Campus
“Harold Schroeder offers thought-provoking ideas on how an organization can ensure its Business Transformation initiatives deliver strategic and economic value. His research shows transformations are most successful when they clearly meet human needs and add social value.
Particularly intriguing are notions on how the individual (at any level in an organization) might apply Harold’s leadership and business insights, to grow as a person and help others – and deliver true organizational effectiveness.”
David Sumpton
Professor in Project Leadership, Western University
” The research and experience that Harold Schroeder has applied to this topic is evident as he weaves a thread of both theory and application across each of the key components of successful transformation outlined in the book. That is whole philosophy of the art and science approach. It is about leadership and management, theory and application, research and experience, etc. For anyone needing to undertake a successful transformation effort, this book is an excellent resource from which the reader can learn valuable tips on how to lead transformation, as well as the reasons why these approaches work. ”
Joel Gibbons
Director of IT, National FFA Organization
“The Art & Science of Transformation” presents thorough research for providing for an even-balanced treatment of the intuitive/emotional (The Art) and the logical/rational (The Science) aspects of managing transformation projects. An excellent read for executives and project leaders/managers alike … could serve as a course book or practical reference manual for change.
Jerry Adel
President, Jerry Adel & Company Management Consultants

Preparing for Organizational Transformation
By Harold M. Schroeder
In today’s business environment, organizations of all types must regularly transform to remain competitive and efficient. The costs and risks of organizational transformation can be very high and yet the importance of advanced preparation for a major initiative is often neglected. This book provides practical guidance to organizations on how to prepare for organizational transformations that really deliver the intended business results.
The approach uses an “Art and Science of Transformation®” framework in which the “science” consists of formal project management techniques and tools, and the “art” comprises the more intangible or intuitive skills and attributes that are essential for managing the people-related aspects of transformation. The crucial and interdependent roles of the Project Manager and the Executive Sponsor, the two key players in any transformation initiative, are discussed. Examples of practical tools for use in evaluating and improving an organization’s readiness to undergo a successful transformation are provided.
A must read for any organization preparing for a major transformation in which strategic and operational business goals must be achieved.
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- The importance and Risks of Transformation
- The Nature and Characteristics of Transformation
- The Importance of Art and Science
- The Executive Sponsor/Project Manager Partnership
- Transformation – The Role of the Project Manager
- Transformation – The Role of the Executive Sponsor
- Transformation Assessment Systems and Tools
- Summary and Conclusion
- References
” I found the details about art and science and examples provided very helpful. The insight about the importance of the synergy between the Executive sponsor and Project manager is also very important. I am very fortunate to have chosen a person I can trust, has experience in the field and with whom I’ve worked with before as a colleague through the merger of an organization. Communication between the two roles is critical and creating meaning out of many pieces of the puzzle that cross the organization for an external project manager is challenging at best. The information synthesized in this book is solid. Thank you for sharing! ”
Susan Pilatzke
Senior Director, Health System Transformation
North West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN)
“I had previously read your first book “The Art and Science of Transformation” and had found that it aligned very well with my beliefs and experiences over many years … that almost anything worth doing or accomplishing requires acumen in both ‘art’ and ’science’, especially in medical care organizational change and transformation – whether at a team level, business unit, department, or an entire organization … and in health care, at even the entire delivery system itself, whether provincially or nationally.
Your book “Preparing for Organizational Transformation” was very timely. I was in the midst of working with a client organization that felt like they were under siege. Many external pressures were forcing the organization to completely re-create themselves. To say that their “change muscle was weak” would have been an understatement. Several of the frameworks presented in the book were extremely useful with individuals, teams, staff, volunteers, and even board members in helping to provide a context for what they were going through. Most especially, the following two items were useful in my work with this organization: 1. Stages of Employee-Level Cultural Transformation, and 2. Cultural Change-Shaping Levers.
After introducing the executive and management team to the Art and Science of Transformation Framework –and identifying and assigning the related roles – both the shared and individual goals, objectives, metrics, and measurable success factors were agreed upon.
Upon the completion of the consulting contract, both the client organization and I agreed that your book, “Preparing for Organizational Transformation” had become an invaluable resource, and that it was practical, easy to understand … and really drove home that “who they were as leaders of such a significant change” was as important as the tactical skills and management competencies they had.
This book will remain a valuable reference source for me throughout the rest of my leadership career.”
Corry Thomas CHRM., HIA., MHP., MHSc., CHE (candidate)
Executive Consultant & Coach: Transitions, Transformation & Operational Readiness
“The book clearly establishes the difference between conventional projects and those that are more complex and riskier, requiring finesse in balancing the science and art of project management. It provides a helpful guide for organizations embarking on a complex change project. It clarifies the crucial roles for a successful project and serves as a roadmap to organizations going through the process. Harold Schroeder is an expert and champion in the Art and Science of Project Management. Grounded in theory and concepts, the book draws his deep understanding gleaned from extensive work with clients who have gone through a transformation.”
Marcelene Anderson
President – Raven Strategic Management Consultants
“Harold’s approach to change is holistic and relational. His principle centered methods are strategic and results driven as he attends to the nuances of the complex corporate world. If you’re looking to the bridge the gap between “art and science” when it comes to Organizational Transformation then this book is for you.”
David Peck
President, SoChange
“I was fortunate to be selected as an early reviewer for Harold’s book and I have to say that is it well worth its price. It does not pretend to change the world but it gives key tips on how to go through and develop a plan for moving your organization forward. Well done Harold!”
Sylvie Edwards
Professor, Durham College

Organizational Transformation Drivers of Change
By Harold M. Schroeder
To survive in today’s rapidly changing business environment, organizations of all types must carry out regular transformations. Evolving markets, new business models, fierce competition and tight budgets are just a few of the many factors influencing the need for major change initiatives. In this context, several key activities are emerging as important strategic functions that are driving successful transformation: collaboration, social media, operational efficiency, outsourcing, risk management, and project management.
This book explores the latest developments in these drivers of change and sets out best practice guidance on how to achieve the greatest benefits from their use while avoiding the most common pitfalls, based on a proven Art and Science of Transformation® model. Illustrated with facts, figures and real case studies throughout, and full of practical tips that are relevant to all sectors, the book is essential reading for organizational leaders, managers, and specialists involved in transforming each of these activities to achieve high levels of business performance.
- Organizational Transformation
- The Move to Collaboration
- Social Media as an Enabler
- Intense Focus on Value
- Increasing Specialization
- Risk and Risk Management
- The Challenge of Transformation
- Conclusion
- References
“I love your book. I love the detail included and examples that you provide. It is well organized and easy to use as a reference. I have already used it with my MBA class and I will keep going back to the book as a source of material. I particularly love the chapter on Risk and Risk Management. Very insightful and usable. Thanks for writing it. ”
Malcolm Smith
Professor at Schulich School of Business
York University
“A timely, compelling reference & field guide which succinctly outlines the key drivers at play for securing organizational transformation within modern organizations. Harold’s latest book is inspirational (narrative, visual facts/charts/diagrams & case studies) to guide strategists who are not “faint of heart” in the art & science of design and implementation of sustainable organizational change. ”
Michelle Stuart
CEO & Founder
Michelle Stuart Consulting
“I have read Organization Change – Drivers of Change and found it to be very much on target in identifying and explaining the trends in both cultural and competitive factors driving change and the resulting need for new business models. In addition, Harold does an excellent job in covering key opportunities i.e. strategies that companies should embrace such as collaboration, lean, social media, outsourcing, risk management and project management.
I found the application of the Art and Science of Transformation® model to be excellent … and look forward to reading Harold’s other books to gain even more insight in facilitating change. In my early years as a consultant I definitely focused on the “science” factors. I wish I could have read Harold’s book then. I will definitely recommend to my clients that they read this book. ”
Charles Bennett
Process Partners
“A principle of sociology called “Social Constructionism” relates that organizational cultures are made up of the values, ambitions, ethics, perceptions of all the employees who work there, and all who have ever worked there in the past. This is why it’s so difficult to transform an organizational culture from its current state to a more desirous one. Schroeder’s book, Drivers of Change, from the series of books on the Art and Science of Transformation, is the veritable text on where and how organizations should focus to bring about high performance in today’s world.” It will help put you back in the driver’s seat to create that culture of excellence.”
Michael Hart
President, HUMAN

Enablers of Organizational Transformation
By Harold M. Schroeder
Today’s business environment is rapidly changing, requiring organizations in all industries and sectors to undergo frequent transformations in order to remain competitive and efficient.
Within organizations, a number of functional areas can be identified that are key drivers or enablers of transformation: major change initiatives either originate in these areas, or ongoing developments in them are crucial to support effective transformation in the continually evolving business environment.
This book identifies and discusses five key functional domains that have become integral to effective transformation in many organizational contexts, namely: Marketing and Sales, Human Resource Management, Information Technology Management, Information Management, and Procurement and Contract Management.
Recently published research and data, as well as first-hand consulting experience, are used to highlight the main recent developments in each of these areas, and to identify the issues and difficulties that organizations often encounter when transforming each of these functions. The book demonstrates how an “Art and Science of Transformation”(r) approach can be used to successfully implement best practice in each area, and provides a wealth of practical tips and guidance for ensuring that each functional domain contributes to ongoing organizational effectiveness and business growth.
- About Transformation
- Aligning to the Marketplace
- Managing People
- Managing Technology
- Managing Information
- Managing Partners and Suppliers
- Conclusion – A Holistic Approach
- References
Enablers of Organizational Transformation, by Harold M. Schroeder, is packed solid with information and data to back up the statements it claims. The fourth in a series of books on the process of organizational transformation, Enablersdigs deeper into his art and science based approach to any transformation; the importance of employing both soft skills and strategic tools to achieve success. The book covers five key areas in depth: the ability to adapt quickly in an evolving world of digital marketing and sales; using human resources strategically as a key differentiator in the marketplace; improving overall effectiveness by aligning systems, process and culture to a rapidly changing technology landscape; utilizing information management to quickly access, analyse and improve performance; and implementing contract lifecycle management to drive compliance and gain efficiencies.
Being part of a government organization in the midst of a cultural transformation myself, the enablers highlighted struck a chord for being the very areas we struggle with the most. Of no surprise, human resources and technology are key that can make or break any transformation. Strategic human resource decisions ensure the right people are in the right positions, supported with the right technology to achieve the long-term goals of the organization. Added to that, the culture of an organization must be willing to embracing advancements in technology to remain competitive. An organization’s culture must also commit to realign procurement and contract management, enabled through contract lifecycle management, to effectively navigate legislative, improve efficiencies and avoid associated risks.
The assertion that information management is not just a good business practice but an essential element of transformation really resonated. This was probably the most interesting enabler highlighted for me. Organizations struggle to achieve strong information management (IM) practices, concentrating on compliance as key driver. Reframing IM as a key transformation enabler, and ultimately a component to achieve peak performance, shed a new light on its importance and strategic benefit. Once again, corporate culture and organizational systems to support effective records management and electronic content management must align to achieve any kind of strategic benefit.
Enablers of Organizational Transformation is not a light read. There is tremendous information to absorb and thoughtful consideration given to how all enablers work holistically to achieve results. Take the time to consider Schroeder’s approach to transformation. I guarantee you will discover valuable insight, applicable to your organization’s transformative journey.
Brian E. Scott
Manager, Strategy & Business Services Branch, Ontario Financing Authority
“With his fourth book, Harold has proven again his breadth of understanding around organizational transformation – as he delivers wonderful insights and nuggets of wisdom from a thorough and diligent review of the literature and the presentation of real world experience. The book is a great consolidation of research packed with insights and practical advice for all business leaders, Marketing, HR, IT, Procurement professionals and especially Management Consultants guiding organizations through transformation. ”
Mike Watson FCMC
Chair, Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CMC Canada)
“This is one of the most comprehensive and understandable books on organisational transformation which I have read. The examples and recommendations are pertinent to business of all sizes in all markets globally. As business seek to evolve it is imperative that the aspects outlined in this insightful book are considered and implemented.”
Michael King
National Director: Solutions and Data Analytics, Drake International
“I enjoyed the book and was pleasantly surprised at what a quick and easy read it was. I found the chapter on Managing People of particular interest – i.e. the trending shift from Tactical HR to Strategic HR approaches. The advantages and challenges are all laid out nicely, from the key characteristics and competencies to the development of the People Strategy.
In my role, I’m no stranger to organizational change and have managed many change initiatives. I agree that human resources are a critical driver of performance – and the key to any organization’s success.”
Marianne Morencie
Lead, Gaming Transformation, Ontario Lottery and Gaming
I found the book to be enlightening, engaging and stimulating. As a lifelong learner who has a Doctorate in Business with a major in Organizational Leadership, I was impressed at how aligned Mr. Schroeder’s and my thinking were. I found the section on Managing People to be the most relevant to my work at the Nova Scotia Health Authority, where engaging others to achieve our goals is key. I have always believed that patient outcomes are best achieved when leaders work collaboratively to garner and leverage talent.
At the NSHA (over 24,000 employees) my colleague and I host Leadership Lunch and Learn sessions the first Wednesday of every month. This month we are discussing change management and I am going to bring the book with me as a relevant reference for leaders to read.
Thank you Mr. Schroeder for your insights and perspectives. It was a real pleasure to read your book and I look forward to your 5th book.
Dr. Marcy Saxe-Braithwaite, BScN, MScN, MBA, DBA, CHE
Senior Director, Perioperative/Surgical Services, Nova Scotia Health Authority